Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week 6

10 Important Words

This article explaining the activity called 10 important words made some great points. There are many words that we can identify and ones that we know in context, but there are much less words that we use daily and the types of words that we use change depending on the environment that we're in (with friends v in the classroom). The more experiences with written language, the better because that type of exposure develops vocabulary more than conversation can. Ten Important Words is an activity that can be used in the classroom to help students permanently acquire new vocabulary. This activity is so successful because it requires students to be interactive with the ten words they select from any text they read. The class as a whole creates a graph of all the words each student selects from the text. The class talks about the words using questions like, "What do these words have to do with the topic of the text?" "Why do you think these words were selected?" I really liked the extension of the strategy that requires the students to break off into groups based on colored cards. The activities the students have to do based on what color card they receive, help solidify the word to memory and its meaning, and also how that words works in the context of the story. The students have been actively engaged in each of the words selected, so they will most likely remember them.

taken from Google

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